Art of Richard Mitchell
Special Projects

Ink on Linen Framed Size: 9' x 5' $20,000 This is a commemorative work honoring the service of Mitchell's maternal grandfather (W.F. Morgan) in WWII. The link below leads to an audio/video presentation where Lt. Morgan recounts his experience.

This portrait is of Woodrow F. Morgan (Mitchell's maternal grandfather) a decorated Tuskegee fighter pilot in WWII.

In the lower center of the frame I carved space for key points of his service record to be etched into aluminum.

Carved into the bottom center of the frame located between the aluminum etchings is the insignia of Lt. Morgan's fighter group, the 332nd.

Mounted onto the frame the list of Lt. Morgan's service medals, etched into aluminum.

On display in the headquarters for Huntington Bank in Grand Rapids MI, this work was selected for the Artprize competition.

In the Artprize competition the artist stands with their work and presents it to audience answering questions discussing the subject matter. The competition is decided by vote.

Graphite on Paper Framed Size: 32" x 42" This is a work commissioned by the daughter of the Airforce Colonel it honors. She gathered his war memorabilia which we then arranged into a still life that I then drew with graphite pencil.

Hand Carved Wood Print Frames: 24" x 36" The client for this work had for siblings and she commissioned four lithography prints be made along with four matching hand carved frames.

Carved into the top of each frame is the "pilot's wings" insignia.

This is the framed original drawing. It was accompanied by four lithographs of this drawing and matching frames.

Pictured here is the "Blackfoot Chief" on display at the Huntington Bank headquarters in Grand Rapids MI, during the artprize contest.